How to Prepare for Your Distant Reiki Session

The great advantage of Distant Reiki is you can be anywhere to receive it.  If you have booked a Distance Healing with Kate McLeay or with another practitioner then this will give you some ideas about how to prepare. 
Distance Reiki can be just as effective as experiencing one in person – the Reiki energy “works” regardless of where you are located as it transcends time and physical space. Having a session in the comfort of your own home can often times be more relaxing than travelling for your session.  If you are having a Distance Reiki Session, here are a few steps you can take to get the most from your treatment.

Before your Distant Reiki Healing

The Distance Reiki technique is usually between 30 to 60 minutes long. Schedule a time and date by for your distance Reiki session by arranging a time that suits. By setting up a specific time, you can be in a receptive state (such as lying down or meditating during the treatment. 

In advance of the session, I will also ask you to message me with your name, age, location and any intention you have (how you would like to feel afterwards) and any specifics you want the session to support (e.g. a physical or health issue, goal, or challenge). If I have not met you before it can help me to also have a photo of you.  Having these details will help me connect to you.. especially if we haven’t met before.
Wherever you are in the world, you can follow these steps to help you prepare to receive the healing energy.


Tips for making the most of your Reiki Healing

Preparing for your session

Treat this time like a meditation, or your yoga practice. If you enjoy baths, I would suggest enjoy a nice warm one before you lie down for your Reiki session, this helps get you into a wonderfully receptive state.  Alternatively make yourself a cup of tea or connect to a peaceful environment, whether that is going outside  and finding a place in the sun, or sitting under a tree for 10-20 minutes.
If you’re at home, sit in a favourite meditation space, a beautiful spot in your backyard, or lie on your bed if you feel like a rest. Make the space comfortable with cushions and a blanket if needed.  If using crystals, essential oils, or incense is your thing then consider including them to create atmosphere.

Devote this time just to you

Sit, or lie comfortably, and make sure you won’t be too cold. Wear loose, nonrestrictive clothing, turn off any phones, close the computer. This time is for you
Close your eyes and take several deep, slow breaths to relax. Tell your chatty mind that it is not needed right now. No-one needs you right now, you have no-where else to be, just here.
Bring your focus to the sounds around you, if thoughts or questions or ideas come into your mind, just let them be there, and then go. Don’t latch on and go down that path. If you feel your attention wander, just return to following your breath in and out.

State your intention

State your intention to receive the healing energy being sent your way. That is all you need to do. Forget concepts of time according to the clock, your timezone in the world, and your current physical location. Just trust that whatever you need, is coming to you right now, at the perfect time for you. This may seem a bit hard to believe, but suspend your doubts and skepticism for this time.

If you are new to Reiki, begin your Distant Reiki session with an open mind. If you lay there thinking, “When’s it gonna start?”; “I don’t feel anything?” or, “Is this stuff for real?” then you are not allowing or in the best frame of mind to relax and enjoy the best experience. Reiki energy is Universal Life Force Energy. It is only positive and can never harm. The energy you will receive does not come from the Reiki Master, but rather through them, emanating from Source.
It’s okay to wonder what it might be like if you’ve never experienced it before, but it’s impossible to tell you beforehand what and how you will experience your Reiki session. As everyone is individual, experiences are also very individual. Reiki has its own intelligence and always works for the recipient’s Highest Good, no matter what they physically feel during the session. Whatever happens, happens and it is right and perfect for you at that moment in time.
Go back to your breath, a simple way to stay focused on the moment is to slowly count your breaths, 1 on the in breath, 2 on the out breath. Start again. And again. And so on. Keep it really simple.
Just relax in this space for as long as you feel comfortable, it may be 5 minutes, it may be half an hour. You may fall asleep, nothing wrong with that.

Finishing your session

When you feel ready, again, take 3 really deep, really slow, really big breaths to tell your body it’s time to change gears.
Take a moment to write down any thoughts that popped up during your time, often the most golden ideas come to you in these quiet moments.
After your session, it’s always good to drink a glass of water when there has been energy movement. Go about your day, and take note of anything that comes up; you might think of a particular situation or person, something that’s been bothering you that you are ready to address, or you might have some ideas and inspiration drop in.
Distance Reiki is a wonderful way to experience that feel good, pick me up, all is ‘right with the world’ harmony you feel when your energies are balanced, mind, body and spirit. By doing regularly scheduled sessions, you can enhance that wonderful feeling of Harmony. You don’t need to be sick, sad, depressed or feeling ‘lost’ to benefit from a Reiki session, but Reiki will only benefit you if you are in those states.
Contact me to book in a Reiki Distance Healing session and kick start the best version of you and let your stress melt away.